Fraud Solutions API
First American Mortgage Solutions is your single destination to quickly and efficiently access multiple information sources to accurately detect fraud risk and errors early in the mortgage application review process. The FraudGuard® platform helps lenders comply with regulations through greater speed, efficiency, and increase loan quality.

Fraud Solutions
FraudGuard® is a comprehensive, decision support tool designed to quickly and accurately identify risk in mortgage transactions.

FraudGuard® FCRA
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) FraudGuard® hybrid report that includes non-FCRA Fraud analytics to reduce risk of potential fraud combined with a Consumer Report that is FCRA compliant.

Home Equity
Fraud and Risk Prevention tailored for the Home Equity Lending Markets. Our solution features a streamlined alert-set that addresses a Lenders most pressing needs in the “quick to close” home equity lending environment.